Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Deployment in Indian Country Grants (CFDA No.: 81.087 | Funding Opportunity No.: DE-PS36-09GO99014)

March 9, 2009

Reading Time : 2 min

The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy is soliciting applications for the development or construction of renewable energy projects or the implementation of energy efficiency improvements in Indian Country. This effort is being undertaken under the provisions of Title V of the Energy Policy Act of 2005.

Under this announcement, DOE is soliciting applications from Indian tribes, tribal energy resource development organizations or tribal consortia for one or more of the following—

1. Installation of efficiency improvements to existing tribally owned buildings, including—

  • energy efficiency improvements and/or
  • renewable energy system installations for building heating or cooling.

Successful applications under building efficiency must demonstrate the potential for at least a 30 percent reduction in energy usage for energy efficiency improvements and, for heating and cooling applications, the generation of at least 30 percent of the building heating and cooling load.

2. Pre-construction activities for renewable energy projects

Successful applications must demonstrate the potential for at least 1 MW at the point of interconnection using renewable energy resources.

3. Construction of renewable energy projects for power production.

Successful applications proposing the production of power must demonstrate the potential generation of at least 1 MW.

DOE anticipates making four to 12 awards under this announcement, depending on the size of the awards. In anticipation of possible increased FY 2009 funding appropriated under potential congressional actions such as The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the total expected number of awards may increase. DOE also anticipates that awards will be in the $500,000 to $1,000,000 range for the total project period, which may range from one to three years. The minimum award size will be $200,000 and at least 50 percent of the project’s funding must come from non-federal sources, unless otherwise allowed by law.

In order to apply for a grant, the applicant must complete the registration process. Registration can take between three and five business days or as long as two weeks if all steps are not completed on a timely basis. Click here to register. Multiple applications may be submitted from a single applicant, as long as each is specific to only one of the three topic areas above.

Applications are due by midnight, April 1, 2009.

Click here to obtain the Financial Assistance Funding Opportunity Announcement.


If you have questions about this alert, please contact:

Katherine D. Brodie 202.887.4356 Washington, D.C.

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