Oil & Gas in Africa: A Legal and Commercial Analysis of the Upstream Industry

May 2015Globe Law and Business

Reading Time : 1 min

Oil & Gas in Africa: A Legal and Commercial Analysis of the Upstream Industry, edited by Akin Gump oil and gas partners Marc Hammerson and John LaMaster, has been published by Globe Law and Business.

The book discusses the opportunities and challenges of Africa as “an oil and gas province,” in which, beyond current producing nations, countries, particularly in East Africa, with no or limited production will become, within a few years, “an important source of global supply.”

It covers the production sharing contract and economic terms governing regional exploration and production activity, financing, M&A, valuation, local content, state participation, security and decommissioning issues in an African context, as well as OHADA (Organisation pour l'Harmonisation en Afrique du Droit des Affaires, or the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa) and natural gas and LNG projects.

LaMaster, Akin Gump international trade partner Tamer Soliman, senior counsel Nnedinma Ifudu Nweke, counsel Jaelyn Judelson and associate Sarah Banco and oil and gas associate Caroline-Lucy Moran also contributed as authors, along with energy industry and law firm contributors from England, France, Nigeria, Norway and the United States.

LaMaster wrote "Chasing shadows: security of oil and gas projects in Africa" and co-wrote with Caroline-Lucy Moran "State participation and local participation in oil and gas in Africa." Moran also wrote "Local content," and Banco, Judelson, Ifudu and Soliman wrote "Anti-corruption initiatives."

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