Restructuring Plans and Chapter 11: A Transatlantic Perspective

When the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 (CIGA) introduced the restructuring plan in England, comparisons with plans of reorganization under chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code (U.S. Bankruptcy Code) were inevitable.
A rundown of the similarities between the two processes is easy: both are court-sanctioned and based on classes, with the ability to compromise claims and/or interests held by secured creditors, unsecured creditors and equity holders (including through cross-class cram down). In addition, neither interferes with directors’ powers of management (in the U.S., absent significant showings of mismanagement or fraud). Despite their similarities, there are some obvious differences: different voting thresholds, U.S. statutory authority to obtain debtor-inpossession (DIP) financing, the “absolute priority rule” in chapter 11, and the lack of a statutory automatic stay in England. Now, with the benefit of more than two and a half years of learning on English restructuring plans, it is an opportune time to re-visit those initial comparisons. In this article, we will consider some of the key features of the English regime, including the experience from the case law to-date, how the developments in the English cases contrast with the position and approach under chapter 11, and the practical significance of those differences.
Cross-Class Cram Down
In the first part of our video series, London partner Liz Osborne and New York partner Abid Qureshi compare the cross-class cram down mechanisms available under each regime.
Valuations and Recoveries
In the second part of our video series, partners David Botter in New York and Emma Simmonds and Richard Hornshaw in London compare some of the valuation and recovery aspects of the English restructuring plan and US chapter 11 process.
Financing During Restructuring
In our final video examining the key differences between US chapter 11 restructurings and the English restructuring plan, partners Abid Qureshi in New York and Emma Simmonds and Sam Brodie in London examine the company’s ability to operate once the restructuring procedure is underway.