The Construction Disputes Law Review

January 13, 2022The Construction Disputes Law Review

Reading Time : 1 min

Akin Gump international arbitration and dispute resolution partner Hamish Lal has edited The Construction Disputes Law Review, which published last month, and authored the U.K. chapter of the first edition of this textbook.

In Lal’s words, he edited the Review to “provide an authoritative, clear and accessible text on construction law to assist both those who draft international construction contracts and those who deal primarily with dispute resolution (whether statutory adjudication, mediation, arbitration or litigation).”

He also notes that what sets this new textbook apart is that, unlike other textbooks on construction law, The Construction Disputes Law Review recognizes “the jurisprudential importance of comparative analysis of the key problems in international construction law.”

The book covers the jurisdictions Bahrain, Denmark, Ireland, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, United Arab Emirates and United Kingdom – England & Wales.

For more information about the book, click here.

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