Devin Sikes Profiled for Native American Indigenous Leadership Award by Diversity Journal

Akin international trade counsel Devin Sikes has been featured in the latest issue of Profiles in Diversity Journal as a Native American Indigenous Leadership Award honoree.
In his profile, Devin reflects on his Cherokee Nation Deer Clan ancestors who fostered commerce through trade and on his own journey as an international trade lawyer.
Devin acknowledges the influence of mentors and colleagues from diverse backgrounds who have broadened his perspective and enhanced his ability to work collaboratively. Devin’s experiences have also fueled his passion for public service and his role as a mentor. He shares, “Lessons come in many forms and from many sources thanks to our rich tapestries of experiences. I suspect that my ancestors learned that same lesson… I try to pass on that lesson, too.”
To read Devin’s full profile, click here.