Ira Dizengoff, Prakash Mehta Profiled as Crain’s NY ‘Notable Leaders in Law’

Akin financial restructuring partner Ira Dizengoff and investment management partner Prakash Mehta have both been named among Crain’s New York Business’ Notable Leaders in Law for 2024. Crain’s New York’s Notable Leaders in Law are recognized for having “shown the ability or power to effect change in their role,” for serving as a role model or mentor to other attorneys and for promoting inclusive practices in the workplace.
Ira and Prakash were both profiled in Crain’s New York Business’ Notable Leaders in Accounting, Consulting and Law, a special editorial feature within Crain’s December 9 print issue and online.
In its profile of Ira, Crain’s New York notes one of his biggest professional wins as leading the representation of an ad hoc group of unsecured noteholders in Frontier Communications’ chapter 11 proceedings, involving $17 billion in liabilities, which Crain’s notes as one of the highest-profile restructurings in recent history.
Beyond his restructuring work, Ira was honored by nonprofit Her Justice, which provides pro bono legal services to low-income women throughout New York City, at its annual benefit this past spring (learn more here).
In Prakash’s profile, Crain’s notes Prakash as a leader in the investment management industry and highlighted his accomplishments in creating the Sovereign Investor Leadership Conference along with Claremont Graduate University and the Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute (learn more here).
Prakash also spearheaded the launch of FundSpeak, a monthly speaker series that examines legislative, regulatory and enforcement priorities. Outside of the firm, he sits on the board of the U.S.-India Business Council (part of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce).