Stephen Kho, Yujin McNamara Profiled as ‘Asian Leadership Award’ Honorees

Akin international trade partners Stephen Kho and Yujin McNamara have been selected by Profiles in Diversity Journal for its 2023 Asian Leadership Award.
Both lawyers were honored in profiles published in tandem with their recognition, and both contributed a narrative for their profile.
Stephen writes that he did not have mentors in his career, so he now works to serve as one for young Asians in his workplace. Among the tips he offers: “People skills are just as important as, and maybe even more important than, being a hard-worker.”
He adds, “[W]e should learn to communicate well; to manage down AND up; to self-promote, but don’t overdo it; to speak up when you see inequality, but at the same time pick your battles. In short, to be a successful Asian leader in America, we should see and recognize that there is a game to be played, and we must learn to play that game. And we can all play the game well.”
Stephen closes by noting, “I think it is very important to provide this kind of advice to [young Asians], to encourage and help them achieve more success than I ever have…I hope this will be one of my legacies.”
In Yujin’s profile, she writes, “A sense of curiosity, intellectual interest, emotional intelligence, and social skills are all traits that I’ve had to develop throughout my career.” If she had to identify a single trait that has been critical for her professional success, she would choose “passion,” noting, “Passion is what has fueled me beyond my natural abilities. And I mean both passion that I find in myself and that I see in others around me.”
On her choice of practice area, she notes “[N]o one I know has simply stumbled into international trade by chance; perhaps because of its niche nature, everyone in this field seems to have had a moment in time when they were drawn to this field, and decided that they would pursue international trade as a career path.”
She adds, “I continue to feel privileged to practice among colleagues that care not only about the quality of their work and the interest of their clients, but who also share a deep sense of respect for the global institutions that form the backbone of our practice and remain dedicated to upholding the rule of law on an international scale.”
Yujin closes with “…I find myself uplifted by the genuine passion and enthusiasm of those around me. I certainly hope that I can do the same for my colleagues in the trade bar.”
To read their full profiles, click here.
Their selections were announced in April (learn more here).