Data Dive
Written and curated by a multidisciplinary group of attorneys, Data Dive delivers key insights on cybersecurity, privacy and other data-related topics impacting organizations across the globe.

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Data Dive
On October 29, 2024, the DOJ issued a proposed rule prohibiting and restricting certain transactions that could allow persons from countries of concern, such as China, access to bulk sensitive personal data of U.S. citizens or to U.S. government-related data (regardless of volume).
Data Dive
During the course of any lending transaction, lenders will conduct a due diligence review of the borrower, including reviewing any relevant “know-your-customer” information.
Data Dive
On June 18, 2024, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced a settlement with R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company (RRD) for alleged internal control and disclosure failures following a ransomware attack in 2021. Without admitting or denying the SEC’s findings, the business communications and marketing services provider agreed to pay a civil penalty of over $2.1 million to settle charges alleging violations of Section 13(b)(2)(B) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Exchange Act) and Exchange Act Rule 13a-15(a).1
Data Dive
In September 2023, Delaware became the seventh state in 2023 to enact comprehensive privacy law with the Delaware Personal Data Privacy Act (DPDPA), joining Indiana, Iowa, Montana, Oregon, Tennessee and Texas. The DPDPA will go into effect on January 1, 2025.
Data Dive
On February 8, 2024, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released a memorandum from the Quality, Safety & Oversight Group (QSOG) updating its 2018 guidance on texting patient information among healthcare providers in hospitals and critical access hospitals (CAHs) to permit the texting of patient orders among members of a patient’s healthcare team if certain conditions are met.1
Data Dive
On February 9, 2024, California’s Third District Court of Appeals ruled that the California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) may begin enforcing its finalized data privacy regulations immediately, overturning the lower court’s prior ruling that delayed enforcement.
Data Dive
The California Consumer Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) issued draft rulemaking on automated decision-making technologies as part of its implementing regulations under the California Consumer Privacy Act (as revised, CCPA).