Proposed CERCLA Designation of PFOA and PFOS

August 22, 2024

Reading Time : 3 min

On May 8, 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published its final rule designating perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) as hazardous substances under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA).

The rule requires entities to report releases of PFOA and PFOS that meet or exceed reportable quantities to federal, state or tribal agencies as soon as they have knowledge of any such release. It also will facilitate an increase in the pace of cleanups of affected sites. EPA will now be able to conduct response actions if there is a release or threatened release of the designated per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) without having to establish an imminent and substantial danger to public health or welfare. In addition, EPA will be able to recover costs from potentially responsible parties and/or require potentially responsible parties to conduct the cleanups themselves.

Congressional Concerns About Passive Receivers

While much will be written about the effect of EPA’s move, the congressional response bears watching. EPA’s move sparked a number of legislators to respond with concerns over the burden created by the rule on “innocents,” given CERCLA’s strict liability framework. In particular, they expressed worry that passive receivers of PFAS, including water utilities, waste treatment plants and landfills, will end up bearing a disproportionate amount of the cost of cleanup. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), Ranking Member of the Environment & Public Works Committee (the Committee), expressed concern that the rule “puts local communities and ratepayers on the hook for PFAS contamination they had nothing to do with in the first place” and vowed to respond.

In a March 2024 Committee hearing to examine the then-proposed designation under CERCLA, Sen. Capito also emphasized that CERCLA is designed to serve as a last stop in deeming a substance “hazardous”; before a substance is designated as such under CERCLA, it is usually first studied and regulated under other federal environmental laws. She noted that the “CERCLA first” approach could deny liability shields to passive receivers of PFAS contaminated waste and wastewater and give rise to frivolous lawsuits against water utilities, going against CERCLA’s “polluter pays” principle. Sen. Capito’s concerns were echoed by members of the panel testifying before the Committee; Michael D. Witt (General Counsel, Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission) questioned the sufficiency of protections offered by exemptions currently available under CERCLA and by EPA’s potentially unenforceable claims that it will not proactively target passive receivers of PFAS waste. Robert Fox (testifying on behalf of the National Waste and Recycling Association & Solid Waste Association of North America) expanded upon Mr. Witt’s concerns and postulated that waste facilities might refuse to accept PFAS-containing waste for fear of liability, which would disrupt the waste management system.

Separately, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN) raised similar concerns and introduced the Forever Chemical Regulation and Accountability Act (FCRA). While imposing reporting requirements on users and manufacturers of PFAS and requiring the phase-out of PFAS in certain products, FCRA would exclude from those requirements entities that receive PFAS in the normal course of their operations, including solid waste management facilities, composting facilities, treatment works and public water systems.

What Does This Mean for Fluoropolymers?

The response from the Hill offers opportunities for stakeholders to get involved and may even offer another bite at the apple of “what is a PFAS?” Sen. Capito previously sponsored a bill aimed at mitigating and remediating PFAS contamination that targeted non-polymeric PFAS and human-made side-chain fluorinated polymers while exempting PFAS that are less mobile in the environment. If the view is that EPA overstepped, similar efforts may get an unexpected boost. Even the introduction of bills like FCRA, which uses a broad chemical structure-based definition of PFAS, may offer an opportunity for manufacturers to provide comments as part of the public consultation process to narrow these definitions. This could be critical to industries that rely on fluoropolymers, including clean energy, electric vehicles, medical device and microchip businesses.

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Previous Entries

PFAS Press

March 10, 2025

In many ways, Maine and Minnesota had the first words on the regulation of PFAS in the U.S. Their broad definitions of the chemicals set the stage for similar regulation across the continent. So when legislators in both states nearly simultaneously propose to shrink those definitions, it bears watching.


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PFAS Press

February 25, 2025

On January 29, 2025, New Mexico threw its hat more fully into the per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) legislation ring with the introduction of a bill that adopts a broad “phase-out” ban to PFAS-containing products. HB 212, now before the House Judiciary Committee, would require manufacturers to remove PFAS from their products over time or cease the sale thereof. A ban on cookware, food packaging, dental floss and juvenile products containing intentionally added PFAS would kick in on January 1, 2027, while a ban on carpets and rugs, cleaning products, cosmetics, fabric treatments, feminine hygiene products, textiles, textile furnishings, ski wax and upholstered furniture will start January 1, 2028. The bill would prohibit the sale of all remaining consumer products containing intentionally added PFAS beginning January 1, 2029, unless the use of PFAS constituted a “currently unavoidable use,” a concept we have seen employed elsewhere. What we have not seen employed elsewhere is the New Mexico bill’s “PFAS Stewardship Program,” which (once established) would allow a manufacturer to sell otherwise-banned, PFAS-containing consumer products so long as they participate in a statewide program to collect and dispose of those products. We will have to watch how that program develops if the bill passes, and whether other states copy the approach.


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February 20, 2025

On February 3-5, the PLASTICS’ Fluoropolymers Conference gathered several professionals involved with fluoropolymers to discuss the latest challenges, opportunities and technological shifts that are defining the fluoropolymer industry.


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December 31, 2024

As we turn to 2025 and a new administration, there are a few areas of PFAS law worth watching in the short term, including the regulation of the chemicals in water and their treatment under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act.


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PFAS Press

December 31, 2024

While the results of consumer products litigation surrounding PFAS have been uneven (see prior blog posts), a new type of claimant may be emerging based on a recent claim filed by a Georgia-based carpet manufacturer against three major upstream PFAS manufacturers.  The complaint alleges that the PFAS manufacturers concealed potential human health and environmental impacts of PFAS that were known to them, failed to inform the carpet manufacturers that their fluoropolymer products could degrade to other PFAS and did not advise that disposal of PFAS-containing wastewater required the use of specialized PFAS removal technologies.  The lawsuit seeks costs for property damage and to recoup potential PFAS removal and remediation costs incurred as a result of PFAS contamination lawsuits against the carpet manufacturer, as well as over $100 million in past costs.


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PFAS Press

November 22, 2024

Our series on the impact of the election on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) policy takes us to the Senate, where Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) indicated in a hearing that the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works (which she will chair) will continue to pursue PFAS.


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PFAS Press

November 7, 2024

Much will be written about the impact of the election on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) policy over the coming months (or even years), and we imagine many of our updates over that time will analyze this, as well. These impacts may present in the form of continued budgetary and technical challenges for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) such as those that led to a delay in implementation of the PFAS Reporting Rule under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). That said, given that PFAS is largely seen as a bipartisan issue (as evinced by the first Trump administration’s introduction of a PFAS Action Plan in 2019), we do not expect wholesale changes to existing PFAS rules, though the second Trump administration may ease regulatory thresholds and reporting deadlines relating to PFAS. As a consequence of federal developments, we expect state activity to remain steady, if not increase, in response to concerns that federal implementation may lessen. Unfortunately, this may mean the patchwork of state regulations and laws around PFAS may grow, imposing significant compliance burdens on regulated entities (which, ironically, may lead the federal government to increase its involvement).


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PFAS Press

August 22, 2024

On May 8, 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published its final rule designating perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) as hazardous substances under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA).


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