Akin Gump Environmental Lawyers Write Article for Law360 on Expected Chemical Safety Board Reporting Regulations

Law360 has published the article “Expect New Chemical Safety Board Reporting Regs By Fall,” written by David Quigley, head of the environment and natural resources practice at Akin Gump, and Stacey Mitchell and Bryan Williamson, partner and associate, respectively, in the practice. The article looks at changes anticipated to the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) following a federal court order this month to produce chemical reporting requirements.
The authors write that the expected changes by CSB follow a decision in which a judge “lambasted” the board for failing to “promulgate reporting regulations under the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990.” In the absence of a request for extension or a successful appeal, “owners and operators of industrial facilities can expect to see a new rule-making — with an accompanying opportunity to submit public comments — by the fall.”
The article then discusses different rule-making approaches that CSB might take. It also looks at who might be regulated, which, in this case, “would cover a wide range of entities, including power plants, refineries, chemical manufacturers, and owners and operators of other industrial facilities.” Finally, the article reports on the likely scope of the new reporting requirements.
To read the original client alert on which this article is based, please click here.