Akin Gump Lawyers Publish Pro Bono Week Article to Blog of European Network on Statelessness

Akin Gump associates Rebecca Carwood Barron and Christopher Beardmore and counsel James Glaysher have written “Celebrating Pro Bono Week: How lawyers can support charities to address statelessness,” which was published by European Network on Statelessness’ (ENS) blog.
The article discusses the work that Akin Gump has done, pro bono, with ENS and with Asylum Aid, ranging from providing casework support to Asylum Aid for individual statelessness cases to supporting the development of a new ENS litigation database.
Regarding the database, which will be a “first-of-its-kind” resource compiling national, regional and international statelessness case law, Glaysher, who contributed to the database, said, “Studying these judgments has shown me how complex the legal issues relating to statelessness can be, and the extraordinary impact statelessness can have on the life of an individual. I am pleased to be able to contribute to the development of such an important resource – I know first-hand the tremendous value of a comprehensive database of caselaw precedents when constructing and analysing legal arguments.”
Read the full article here.