Akin Gump Lawyers Summarize CCPA Amendments in Article for The Recorder
The Recorder has published the article “Taking Stock of CCPA Amendments and Privacy Measures Passed by the California Legislature This Session That Now Await the Governor’s Consideration,” written by Natasha Kohne, co-leader of Akin Gump’s cybersecurity, privacy and data protection practice; Dario Frommer partner in the firm’s public law and policy practice and a former Majority Leader in the California Senate; and Diana Schaffner, counsel in the litigation practice.
With the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) set to take effect in January, the article summarizes several amendments to it that now await the signature of Gov. Gavin Newsom and looks at other non-CCPA privacy and data protection measures that passed during this legislative session. In addition, the authors note there were several amendments that did not pass, some of which may be heard again when the Legislature reconvenes in January.
Kohne, Frommer and Schaffner conclude by observing that efforts to amend the CCPA will likely continue in 2020. They say there could also be movement on other privacy areas.
To read the article in its entirety, please click here.