Akin Named an AmLaw Litigator of the Week Runner-Up for Celsius Victory

The American Lawyer has named Akin a runner-up for its Litigator of the Week series. The firm was recognized for its work as special litigation counsel for Celsius Network and its affiliated debtors, securing a settlement worth at least $105 million in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the Southern District of New York.
The settlement required StakeHound to transfer more than 27,500 ETH, 47.9 million MATIC and 90,940 DOT to Celsius at the end of 2023. At current prices, the transferred tokens are worth more than $105 million for Celsius creditors. The settlement also provides Celsius with a substantial stake in litigation pending against a third party alleging claims worth $180 million or more. The publication also noted the Akin team’s prior victory in securing a temporary restraining order freezing StakeHound’s assets.
The Akin team that was recognized was led by litigation partner Mitchell Hurley and included partners Dean Chapman and Elizabeth Scott; as well as Nicholas Lombardi, Patrick Glackin, Michael Chen, Michael Stanley, Kyle McGoey, Tina Jeffcoat and Russ Collins, and paralegal Amy Laraaj.