Alan Yanovich Discusses Career Path and International Economic Law on Rodolfo Rivas Project Podcast

Akin Gump international trade partner Alan Yanovich was featured on the Rodolfo Rivas Project podcast discussing his career trajectory and various aspects of international economic law.
Yanovich, who was born and raised in Colombia, talked first about the experience of going to college and law school in the United States before taking a position working for the Colombian Government Trade Bureau in Washington, D.C. That eventually led to a stint, he said, as a legal advisor to the General Secretariat of the Andean Community in Lima, Peru.
Yanovich subsequently worked at the WTO Appellate Body, the World Trade Organization’s highest tribunal, which he described during the podcast as involving trade and foreign policy work. He also spoke of why he moved to Akin Gump and private practice, which he said was always attractive to him and “a possibility to explore.”
To listen to the podcast episode in its entirety, please click here.