Amy Kennedy Authors Global Banking & Finance Review Article on Sustainability-Linked Leveraged Loans in Europe

Global Banking & Finance Review has published the article “Europe embracing ‘sustainability-linked’ leveraged loans,” written by Akin Gump corporate partner Amy Kennedy, which examines the heavy focus being placed by those in the European leveraged finance market on environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors.
Given that the urge to embrace ESG “comes from both borrowers and sponsors as well as lenders,” Kennedy writes, the leveraged loan market “is the perfect stage for sustainability-linked instruments.” In response to mounting ESG pressure as well as wider socio-economic concerns, she notes that two distinct debt products have emerged.
The article then discusses how best to assess the viability of a sustainability-linked instrument, while also observing that “there is currently no market standard or universal measurement methodology for ESG criteria.”
To read the article in its entirety, please click here.