Angela Styles Quoted on Advice for OFPP Administrator Nominee Gebre

For its article “Former OFPP administrators say new nominee must do these things to succeed,” Federal News Network quoted five former Administrators of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy, including Akin Gump government contracts partner Angela Styles.
Among the topics covered:
- Best advice received about being Administrator: “Do what is right for the taxpayer. It is their money and they are relying on us to spend it wisely; [there are] few more important missions.”
- What she wished she’d known beforehand: “How important all the career civil servants are to doing the job right. From OFPP to OMB to DoD, the job is impossible without them and without engaging them.”
- What should be on the incoming Administrator’s to-do list: “Establishing substantive credibility. It can be through speeches and meetings, but people need to know the person and their commitment to the job.”
To read the full article, click here.
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