Crain’s NY Business Features Lauren Leyden, Parvin Moyne, Meng Ru as Notable Women in Law

December 20, 2021

Reading Time : 2 min


Alexandra Field

Director of Communications

Jacinta O'Shea-Ramdeholl

Senior Manager, International Communications

(New York) – Akin Gump is pleased to share that Crain’s New York Business has selected Akin Gump partners Lauren Leyden, Parvin Moyne and Meng Ru among its 2022 Notable Women in Law.

In its profile of Ms. Leyden, the publication notes that her labor and employment practice focuses on the “nexus of traditional labor law and cutting-edge corporate transactions,” one of the few lawyers in the U.S. with this experience.

The profile spotlights her leading roles in headline-making transactions, including serving as labor counsel on 7-Eleven’s $21 billion acquisition of Speedway (learn more here) and Alden Global’s $633 million acquisition of Tribune Publishing (learn more here).

Her work in helping clients and Akin Gump navigate COVID-related workplace challenges is spotlighted, along with the fact that she is the firm’s new hiring partner.

In its profile of Ms. Moyne, Crain’s notes that she is a former federal prosecutor with extensive experience in the public and private sectors as well as a sought-after white collar defense lawyer. Her practice centers on representing financial institutions regarding allegations of fraud and corruption, as well as defense of individuals and corporations in criminal prosecutions and government enforcement actions.

Her active pro bono practice is also spotlighted, including her service on the board of the Volunteers for Legal Service, a provider of free civil legal services in New York City, and of The Arc’s Criminal Justice Advisory Panel, which supports criminal justice advocacy for those with developmental disabilities. Ms. Moyne is also Akin Gump’s liaison with the Alliance for Asian American Justice, a national initiative among law firms to fight discrimination.

In its profile of Ms. Ru, a corporate partner, the publication notes that she represents “some of the most sophisticated financial institutions and their portfolio companies in domestic and international debt financings.”

Among the clients for which she has played leading roles in high-dollar transactions are Goldman Sachs and U.S. Concrete.

The profile notes that she is a first-generation immigrant who co-founded the Chinese Business Lawyers Association, an educational forum on U.S.-Chinese business and legal issues. It also spotlights the fact that she co-chairs the firm’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council and was selected as a Fellow by the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity (learn more here).

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