Daily Scoop Podcast Features Angela Styles on Federal Contracting Opportunities

Akin Gump government contracts partner Angela Styles returned to The Daily Scoop Podcast to discuss the landscape of getting new companies into the federal contracting space.
According to the episode, the Small Business Administration (SBA) is requesting an FY23 increase in its budget to help small, diverse businesses sell to the federal government.
Styles said that the Biden-Harris administration has focused on small businesses in a way that she hasn’t seen “in quite some time” and traced various initiatives from the administration.
She discussed the role of the White House’s Office of Management and Budget in coordinating this movement to help small business and how duplication of effort can be avoided among agencies.
Styles praised the Department of Defense’s outreach to small businesses, particularly the Air Force’s work in this regard; discussed the importance of sufficient funding in programs proceeding successfully; and covered the importance of businesses knowing how to access the right people in government to sell their products or services, among other topics.
To hear the full episode, click here. Angela Styles’ segment begins at 01:51.