DC Bar Article Quotes Nimesh Patel on DEI Measurement and Client Demands

March 8, 2023

Reading Time : 1 min


Alexandra Field

Director of Communications

Jacinta O'Shea-Ramdeholl

Senior Manager, International Communications

For its article “Measuring DEI,” Washington Lawyer, published by the DC Bar, quoted Akin Gump chief diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) officer Nimesh Patel. The article looks at the topic of how organizations can effectively measure and evaluate their DEI efforts. 

In the section “Pressure from Clients,” the article notes that D.C. law firms are measuring diversity in response to client demands, some of which require that a certain number of diverse individuals work on their matters.

Said Patel, “A lot of our clients care about what staffing looks like for their matters,” adding that he takes, more broadly, “a very data-centric perspective” on the firm’s DEI efforts.

He said, “We use data as a way to inform us in terms of where we are right now, where our strengths are, where we might have some opportunities to continue our focus. And we use it as a way to help design our DEI strategy and our actions as well.”

The article notes that, as a result of client demands to know, for example, what percentage of billed hours are attributable to diverse attorneys, practice leaders and DEI officers are discussing how best to meet diversity requirements in a competitive context. Patel remarked, “Before we send anything to a client, we always talk it over and share the information with our relationship partners.”

To read the full article, click here.

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