Devry Vorwerk Quoted by Latin America Advisor on Colombia’s Food Production

September 22, 2016

Reading Time : 1 min


Jacinta O'Shea-Ramdeholl

Director of Communications

Scott Wasserman

Senior Media Relations Manager

For its featured Q&A “Will a Peace Deal Allow Colombia to Grow More Food?,” Latin America Advisor quoted Akin Gump senior policy advisor and LAA Board of Advisors member Devry Boughner Vorwerk on the peace agreement between the Colombian government and rebels of the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) that ends the two sides’52-year conflict.

Among the questions posed by the Advisor were “What does the proposed peace deal mean for Colombia’s food production? How will expected transformations in Colombia’s rural areas, coupled with recent free trade agreements, change Colombia’s agricultural sector?”

Among her comments, Vorwerk noted, “Agriculture and rural development was the first pillar of the accord and took much negotiation to achieve agreement. Getting agriculture development right allows Colombia to chart a unified pathway toward greater peace and prosperity. The agreement itself sets the stage for increased competitiveness of the Colombian farmer and of the broader food and agriculture sector.”

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