In Intellectual Property Magazine Article, Akin Gump Lawyers Examine Rise of IoT Litigation

Intellectual Property Magazine has published the article “Fuelling IoT litigation,” written by Akin Gump intellectual property partner Charles Everingham, senior counsel Rehan Safiullah and associate Thomas Landers. The article looks at how the “Internet of things” (IoT) is “changing the way we interact with our world.”
“IoT,” the authors write, “refers to the concept of connecting devices in a network to create automation or self-control.” For example, a navigation app might provide better routing, based on data provided by other devices, such as weather and traffic information. IoT devices, however are also changing entire industries, and the article points out that many companies “are now using industrial IoT (IIoT) systems, which use numerous sensors to collect and use data—often called “big data”—to make intelligent decisions.”
Everingham, Safiullah and Landers outline how those different industries—and companies, particularly those in the oil and gas sector, are using IoT to disrupt technology. They also look at the sharp rise in patent filings and litigation that have come as a result.
The article concludes by observing that “IIoT software and devices will be commonplace for oil and gas companies.” Those that are adopting IIoT technologies, though, “need to be aware of their own IP relating to IIoT and need to consider what IP competitors, as well as smaller companies, are accumulating in the IoT space.”
To read the full article, please click here.