Jim Deeken Pens Thomson Reuters Securities Regulation Law Journal Article on ESG Method for Managing Securities Disclosure and Greenwashing Risks

Thomson Reuters Securities Regulation Law Journal has published an article titled “All the Best Intentions v. Real World Realities: A Cost-Based ESG Method for Managing Securities Disclosure and Greenwashing Risk,” written by Akin investment management partner Jim Deeken. The article discusses an occasional gap that emerges between public ESG statement promises and their actual implementation, in tandem with the SEC's regulatory actions and private securities litigation cases.
The article offers a practical framework for investment managers and other companies to manage ESG statements and their related implementation, while reducing greenwashing risks.
“The adoption of a realistic view of a company’s ESG objectives is the first step to minimizing greenwashing risk as an acknowledgment of costs of benefits associated with various ESG actions will hem in a number of purely aspirational statements that a corporate actor might otherwise be tempted to put out to the investing public.”
To read this full article, please click here.