Ken Markowitz Appears on VTV to Talk Clean Competition Act

February 12, 2024Vietnam Television

Reading Time : 1 min


Alexandra Field

Director of Communications

Jacinta O'Shea-Ramdeholl

Senior Manager, International Communications

Akin climate change group co-leader Ken Markowitz appeared on Vietnam Television's "Special Economic Review 2024: Carbon Footprint" to discuss the Clean Competition Act and its potential implications for U.S. trading partners.

Ken notes that if the legislation passes, it could impose significant fees on goods exported from countries with higher carbon intensities than the United States, giving a competitive advantage to countries with lower carbon intensities. Ken also emphasizes that the Clean Competition Act encourages countries to establish a carbon pricing policy similar to the United States, “If a country adopts a carbon pricing policy equivalent to that of the United States, they can join the United States in a ‘Carbon Club,’ which would waive import fees. This levels the playing field for the U.S. and encourages our trading partners to decarbonize faster.”

To watch the full segment, click here.

See Ken's appearance on VTV, starting at 19:05, here.

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