Law360 Quotes Jaelyn Judelson on Efforts to Counter Extremist Voter Intimidation

In its article “From The Front Lines: The Attorneys Protecting This Election,” Law360 quoted Akin Gump senior counsel Jaelyn Judelson on her work to protect the elections from voter intimidation threats posed by extremists.
According to Judelson, she had spent weeks preparing for Election Day alongside Georgetown Law's Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection. This included drafting template emergency restraining orders in case armed extremists had shown up at the polls on Tuesday, which proved not to be the case.
However, she noted, other forms of intimidation had been reported across the U.S., including partisan protests where vehicles were used to block polling stations. Judelson said, “We've heard a few reports that have been submitted through the election protection hotline related to voters' ability to access polls. For example, the Trump train or the vehicles blocking access to voting locations. It might not be an armed, organized militia, but certainly that is cause for concern.”