Law360 Spotlights Akin Gump Pro Bono Work on Protecting the Vote

In its article “Attys Gear Up To Serve On Election Day's Front Lines,” Law360 featured the election protection work of Akin Gump and quoted partners Steve Schulman and Jaelyn Judelson.
The article notes that the 2020 election is particularly fraught with threats to voters and the voting process from the pandemic and from armed militia, a sentiment echoed by pro bono partner Schulman, who said, “We've done election protection for more than a decade. But I would say this year is on steroids.”
Judelson’s work with Georgetown Law’s Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection (ICAP) is noted, including her research into state gun laws and local election codes, as well as the fact sheets she has written to guide local officials, poll workers and voters into what is and isn’t permissible. The article notes that she and ICAP are also monitoring extremist groups, particularly in Wisconsin, Ohio and North Carolina, for signs of voter intimidation plans; they are advising municipalities on how to respond. She says, “There's been a real uptick in activities that we're seeing by those private militias and encouragement of activities that would serve to intimidate voters. We've been working with ICAP to review those data points for certain states, and then to flag and follow up, to manage additional action that might be required.”
Additionally, Akin Gump is noted among the firms readying lawyers to act as necessary in presenting legal challenges should armed groups refuse to leave the polls.
Schulman notes that, while he’s proud of the firm’s work to protect these elections, he also hears from colleagues overseas that they’re appalled that it is necessary: “You take a step back and think about all the lawyer time that is being poured into what is supposed to be a fundamental right. I've got to say I wish elections could be done without any lawyers at all.”