Runs Q&A with Rachel Elsby in Its “How I Got into Law School” Series

As part of its “How I Got into Law School” series, has profiled Akin Gump intellectual property partner Rachel Elsby.
Elsby, who, in college, doubled majored in microbiology/immunology and English with a minor in chemistry, touched on a variety of topics. Some highlights:
- Good advice: “I did, however, go straight from my Ph.D. to law school. Quite literally. I defended my Ph.D. dissertation the same week I started law school classes. I don’t recommend doing that—definitely take a few vacation days before law school.”
- How she picked her law school: “I was told a long time ago that you should go where the work you’re interested in happens. For patent law, Washington, D.C., is one of those places…I also knew that I wanted to go to a night program at a school that offered patent law classes. And I didn’t have much money or interest in taking out big loans, so George Mason ended up being the best option in the D.C. area because I thought I could qualify for in-state tuition after the first year.”
- What matters: “Careers are not defined by the school you attend. There are great lawyers with successful careers from every school in the country. What you do after you graduate matters a great deal more than where you go to school.”
To read the full Q&A, click here.
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