Marshall Baker Quoted by Bay City News on Telephone Consumer Protection Act

Bay City News has quoted litigation counsel Marshall Baker in its article, “Serial filer of class action suits against tele-marketers draws attention of district judge.” The article discusses increasing issues arising from lawsuits under the federal Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA); more specifically, a claim brought by Abante Rooter and Plumbing Inc. against Signify Health LLC under TCPA.
Baker comments on the business of TCPA litigation saying, “The TCPA has been up to the Supreme Court and various circuit courts of appeal a number of times in the past several years as the plaintiffs’ class action bar has sought to capitalize on the prospect of potentially crippling statutory damages. At $500 a call for negligent violations, you can imagine just how quickly the potential exposure can become astronomical, particularly for a company that is interacting with thousands or millions of consumers.”
Beyond San Francisco, Baker said “these [TCPA] cases are primarily litigated in federal court, and we’ve seen judges in those courts increasingly enter rulings that suggest some serious skepticism about the nature of some of these claims.”