New York Law Journal Publishes Baldini and Lal Article on Statutory Adjudication in Arbitration Disputes

Akin Gump litigation practice head Steve Baldini and international arbitration and dispute resolution partner Hamish Lal have written the article “The Rise and Rise of Statutory Adjudication: Is the U.S. Ready?” which was published by the New York Law Journal. The article looks at “the rise in the use of statutory adjudication in various jurisdictions in the context of complex construction disputes” and asks whether the United States “is now ready to also embrace this ADR option.”
Baldini and Lal write that there are “compelling reasons and inflammatory markers” indicating the United States is ready to embrace statutory adjudication in the context of construction contracts.” They note, however, that a decision needs to be made as to whether statutory adjudication should apply to all disputes or if it should be limited to certain circumstances.
To read more on the authors’ analysis of the use of statutory adjudication in the United States please click here to read the article in its entirety.