New York Magazine Quotes Steve Shulman on Pro Bono Immigration Group Efforts in Afghanistan

New York Magazine, in its article “The Evacuation of Team A” has quoted Akin Gump pro bono partner Steven Schulman on the firm’s efforts related to last year’s crisis in Afghanistan.
The article notes that the firm was retained to do pro bono immigration paperwork for Afghan refugees fleeing the country. The article also details the assistance of Akin Gump lawyers and volunteers worldwide from scheduling calls to hiring interpreters and validating documents.
On the perspective of the firm’s lawyers and volunteers, Schulman says how the pro bono immigration group was “as crazy as I’ve ever seen it.” The article further explains how the lack of a centralized process and rise of refugees arriving all over the country contributed to the volume of work on volunteer lawyers connecting to clients.
To read the full article, click here.