Reuters Publishes Akin Gump Article on Conflicts of Interest in Transactions

“Managing and mitigating conflicts of interests in GP-led transactions,” an article by Akin Gump investment management partner Fadi Samman, senior counsel Krishna Skandakumar and Amanda Butler-Jones, has been published by Reuters.
The article concerns general partner (GP)-led secondary transactions. The authors note that these transactions enable a sponsor or GP “to manage one or more existing assets in a newly formed fund capitalized by new investors through a fund restructuring.”
Although these deals are presented as a win for all parties, the article notes that, “as the market continues to expand against a backdrop of increased regulatory scrutiny, navigating the conflicts of interests has become increasingly important” and, so, explores key considerations in managing conflicts of interests in GP-led transactions and how to mitigate them.
To read the full article, click here.
To read another recent Reuters article by these lawyers, “Top 10 considerations in private funds tender offer deals,” click here.