Texas Lawyer Publishes Akin Gump Roundtable on State of Renewables in Texas

March 10, 2020

Reading Time : 1 min


Alexandra Field

Director of Communications

Jacinta O'Shea-Ramdeholl

Senior Manager, International Communications

Texas Lawyer has published “Akin Gump Experts Expect More Green to Be Pumped Into Renewables,” a roundtable discussion held last month with Akin Gump partners Matt Kapinos, Andy Lehman and David Sweeney on the state of renewable energy in Texas.

The conversation began with Lehman observing that the growth of renewables in the past year has led to “a reduction of allocation of capital towards more traditional oil and gas investments,” which he expects to continue over the coming two years.

Kapinos weighed in by stating that, “if you’re building new [power] generation, you’re either doing renewables or natural gas.” Sweeney agreed, adding, “there is still a large focus on E&P projects, even if there has been more talk about renewables than there has been in the past.”

The discussion also touched on the upstream industry, and how it has adapted to the growth of renewable power generation, as well as how oil field services funds and companies are reacting. In addition, the speakers examined the role of government incentives of renewable projects.

Finally, the conversation concluded with a look at whether renewables were being fully embraced as a viable and growing source stream for energy.

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