Thomson Reuters Westlaw Publishes Akin Gump Article on Guidance from UK Supreme Court on Collective Claim Certification

Thomson Reuters Westlaw has published the article “UK Supreme Court hands down new guidance for collective claim certification,” written by Akin Gump partners Neal Marder, Richard Hornshaw and Davina Garrod and counsel Becky Girolamo. They were joined by associates Joshua Tate, Sina Safvati and Mouna Moussaoui.
The article examines a ruling last month by the U.K. Supreme Court in a proposed collective action that alleged overcharging by Mastercard. The authors write that the case is “the first collective proceedings case of its kind to reach the U.K. Supreme Court,” noting that it addresses “important questions about the correct legal requirements, in particular the suitability requirement, for certifying a claim.”
The article then considers how the ruling will affect future collective actions, with the authors observing that the ruling “will set the standard for collective claims of this nature to proceed.”
To read the article in its entirety, please click here.