Turetsky, Friedman, Thomas Article on Hill Cyber Bills Published by Law360

“Senate Cybersecurity Bill Vs. House Cybersecurity Bills,” an article by Akin Gump cybersecurity, privacy and data protection initiative co-head David Turetsky, senior policy counsel Francine Friedman and senior public policy specialist Matt Thomas, has been published by Law360.
The article discusses current legislation related to cybersecurity, including the Senate’s Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act and the House’s Protecting Cyber Networks Act and National Cybersecurity Protection Advancement Act, the latter two subsequently enrolled as a title to a single bill to facilitate conferencing with the Senate bill.
As the authors write, “The Senate and House bills are intended to foster voluntary cybersecurity information sharing on a real-time or near real-time basis, both among companies and between companies and the government…The bills seek to encourage more and faster sharing by providing liability and certain confidentiality protections to businesses who share cybersecurity threat information, stripped of sensitive privacy information.”
The article also examines specifics of the bills and their treatment of topics such as information sharing, privacy protection and scope of liability protection.
In closing, the authors note, “Despite the challenges facing the conferees, all three bills passed with strong support from both sides of the aisle, and generally from the White House, thus partisan issues are not likely to derail negotiations at this stage…The impact of the legislation may be felt far and wide and companies of all types should be following these developments.”
To read the full article, please click here.