Tyler Grove Discusses Trade Compliance Trends with Export Compliance Manager

Export Compliance Manager has quoted Akin international trade partner Tyler Grove in its article “Horizon scanning 2024.”
Among the topics covered, Tyler discussed:
Trade compliance lessons from 2023: “As technologies become increasingly complex, the laws that regulate them follow suit – we are seeing this most clearly in the semiconductor space. The ability to nimbly adapt compliance procedures and supply changes is becoming increasingly crucial to respond to rule changes.” He added, “The challenge for industry is to meet these requirements by assessing their supply chains and customers and end-users from multiple perspectives to identify goods, services, software or technology at risk of diversion and take measures to guard against that risk and ensure compliance with an ever-increasing range of controls.”
Impact of new guidance on managing export compliance programs on in-house trade compliance teams: “The federal government is positioning itself to join the discussion on an emerging technology that will have significant implications on the way we do trade – artificial intelligence. President Biden’s issuance of an executive order centered around AI is a first step towards what we hope will be clear and reasonable guidelines around a technology that will almost certainly continue to have export control implications.”
Continued supply chain risks: “Circumvention efforts by downstream parties will continue to be a challenge for companies engaged in international business, particularly in jurisdictions like China for which US export restrictions are highly nuanced.”