Vanessa Roman Quoted in The Wrap on Why TV Series May Be Preferable to Streamers over Hit Movies

January 14, 2021

Reading Time : 1 min


Alexandra Field

Director of Communications

Jacinta O'Shea-Ramdeholl

Senior Manager, International Communications

Akin Gump entertainment partner Vanessa Roman has been quoted by The Wrap in “Why Streamers Prefer a Hit TV Series to a Hit Movie.” The article examines why streaming of limited television series, rather than of feature movies, might be a better option for streaming services.

As Roman noted, “It’s the amount of time that eyeballs are on a movie vs. a television series. In the streamers’ eyes, all that matters is (what) turns into eyeballs.”

Even in the case of a planned theatrical release pivoting to streaming during a pandemic, Roman said the long-term value of a feature film may be dwarfed by the loyalty a series can build in a subscriber.

"We all watched ‘Bridgerton,’ and we’re all waiting for Season 2,” Roman said. In addition, binging a 10-episode season over multiple hours offers “an incentive to stay on a streaming platform and your subscription in a way that even something like ‘Dune’ isn’t going to be able to do.”

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