Wall Street Journal Quotes Angela Styles on New CHIPS Act Restrictions

For its article “For Chip Makers, a Choice Between the U.S. and China Looms,” The Wall Street Journal quoted Akin government contracts partner Angela Styles. The article discusses new rules proposed by the Biden-Harris administration last week that would restrict semiconductor companies’ operations in China and other countries if the companies accept federal funding.
The Journal reports that some of the restrictions, referred to as the “China guardrails,” are more tough than many in and around the industry had expected both for advanced semiconductor plants producing for advanced military weapons systems and for factories making chips used in consumer electronics.
Said Angela, who served as Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy within the Office of Management and Budget at the White House and whose clients, the Journal notes, include semiconductor-industry companies, “It’s going to make a good number of companies question whether they want to accept the CHIPS funding.”