Westlaw Publishes Akin Gump Article Examining EU Proposal for Class Actions

Westlaw has published “A European Union approach to class-action litigation,” an article by Akin Gump partners Justin Williams, Michael McTigue and Sebastian Rice and counsel Fred Thorling. The article looks at a new class action regime that may be adopted by the European Union.
While “collective-redress litigation has not yet taken hold to the same extent” across the Atlantic as it has in the United States, the plan under consideration, the article notes, has been gaining momentum. Among the proposed changes, it would allow for “compensatory redress by empowering ‘qualified entities to bring representative actions seeking different types of measures as appropriate, depending on the circumstances of the case.’” It would also “expand the sectoral scope of the regime ‘to cover other horizontal and sector-specific EU instruments relevant for the protection of collective interests of consumers in different economic sectors.’”
To read the entire article, which is based on an Akin Gump client alert, please click here.