Wynn Segall Speaks with German Newspaper on US Sanctions Against TurkStream Pipeline

January 9, 2020

Reading Time : 1 min


Jacinta O'Shea-Ramdeholl

Director of Communications

Sarah Richmond

Senior Communications Manager

Wynn Segall, a partner in the international trade practice at Akin Gump, has been quoted in the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine on the recent U.S. sanctions against the TurkStream pipeline. The article reports on a new pipeline project that will supply Turkey with natural gas from Russia.

According to the publication, the United States views the pipeline as a gain of political power by Russia in southeast Europe. It is one of the few issues, the article says, that unites President Trump and congressional Democrats, who view the pipeline as a gift to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

While new sanctions imposed by Washington against Moscow over its invasion of Ukraine went into force last month, Segall said they should not have any material effect on TurkStream. The sanctions, he said, are aimed at companies that have laid the pipes in the Black Sea as well as their financiers. In the case of TurkStream, the work is completed and gas has been flowing. The repair and operation of the pipeline, Segall added, are expressly excluded from the sanctions.

Regarding any actions Mr. Trump might take toward the possible expansion of the TurkStrem, Segall said the President has every opportunity to impose sanctions if the pipeline were to push ahead with its planned expansion toward southeastern Europe.

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