Geneva Insights - December-January 2023

Welcome to the December - January Edition of the Geneva Insights Newsletter. Economic experts evaluate e-commerce standards, while international trade takes center stage with the upcoming World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference. Regulatory discussions span from legal frameworks for automated cars to amendments in vehicle safety standards, and the United Nations seeks improvements in classifying chemicals. In the digital realm, the European Broadcasting Union explores AI's impact on public service media, and eWeek 2023 shapes the future of the digital economy. Health initiatives address substandard medicines, and the World Health Organization guides global health resolutions. Environmental discussions cover funding for trans boundary water cooperation, the intersection of water, food, energy, and ecosystems and global regulations on vehicle emissions. Science and technology topics include metaverse development, AI in vehicles, and quantum key distribution networks. Socially, there's an unprecedented referral to the International Court of Justice on the right to strike, discussions on public-private partnerships and analysis of youth employment trends. The sports community delves into the intersection of sports and human rights, and the humanitarian front sees a major international gathering on refugees and celebrations for the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Lastly, the International Code of Conduct Association focuses on human rights due diligence in the security supply chain in its 10th Annual General Assembly.