Geneva Insights - February 2025

Welcome to the February Edition of the Geneva Insights Newsletter, covering key international discussions and policy developments in trade, technology, health and sustainability. In trade and development, the UNCTAD Board discusses economic interdependence, sustainable development, and trade reports, while the WTO General Council reviews trade negotiations, dispute settlement reform, and fisheries subsidies. Transport and regulatory discussions include UNECE’s Working Party on Customs on customs conventions, the IRU’s freight briefing, and the Inland Transport Committee’s sessions on road safety, emissions, and infrastructure. The digital landscape sees ITU’s Working Party 5D advancing IMT-2030, ITU-T Study Group 2 tackling AI and telecommunications, and ITU Council Working Groups addressing governance, cybersecurity, and disaster response. Additionally, discussions at WIPO and the WTO focus on easing trade barriers in the wine industry. These global meetings will influence policies on economic growth, sustainability, trade, transport, and emerging technologies.