Acritas Names 16 Akin Gump Lawyers “Stars” in 2019 Survey

(Washington) – In its 2019 Stand-Out Talent Survey, research firm Acritas has named 16 Akin Gump lawyers as “Stars,” or standout lawyers, based on nominations from more than 4,300 senior in-house counsel worldwide. Stars are characterized as improving client satisfaction, enhancing people engagement and strengthening their firm’s brand, among other traits.
Akin Gump’s recognized lawyers are:
- Natalia Baratiants
- Kerry Berchem
- Stephen Davis
- Garrett DeVries
- John Goodgame
- Jasper Helder
- Robert Huffman
- Jaisohn Im
- Jeffrey Kochian
- Esther Lander
- Terence Lynam
- Douglass Maynard
- Prakash Mehta
- Nathan Oleson
- Robert Salcido
- Rosa Testani
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP is a leading international law firm with more than 900 lawyers in offices throughout the United States, Europe, Asia and the Middle East.
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