Akin Advises Mubadala Capital in Connection with its Acquisition of Fortress Investment Group

(Washington, D.C.) – Akin advised Mubadala Capital in connection with structuring and establishing the consortium for the acquisition of Fortress Investment Group.
Mubadala Capital, the wholly owned asset management subsidiary of Mubadala Investment Company, has completed its acquisition of the 90.01% of the Fortress Investment Group equity that was held by SoftBank Group Corp. After the transaction, the consortium led by Mubadala Capital now owns 68% of Fortress equity.
More details on the transaction can be found here.
The Akin team was led by investment management partners Kapil Pandit and Fadi Samman and tax partner Olivier De Moor, and included investment management partners Bob Griffin, Barbara Niederkofler and Amanda Butler-Jones; telecom, media & technology partners Jennifer Richter and Steven Rowings; counsel Tuvia Tendler and Elina Ostrovsky and associates Morgan Hensley and JR Molm.
Akin is a leading international law firm with more than 900 lawyers in offices throughout the United States, Europe, Asia and the Middle East.
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