Timothy P. Tehan, Partner Emeritus | Akin

Timothy P. Tehan

Partner Emeritus

Areas of Focus

Timothy P. Tehan, Partner Emeritus | Akin

Timothy P. Tehan

Partner Emeritus


Areas of Focus

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  • Handled taxation matters with an emphasis on estate planning, trusts, tax controversy, insurance, real estate and income tax planning.

Timothy P. Tehan, P.C. retired from the partnership in 2020.

He advised clients on wills, trusts, family partnerships, probate filings, estate and inheritance tax returns, employment agreements, split-dollar agreements, business buy-sell agreements, and premarital and postmarital agreements. His work extended to the areas of charitable giving and private foundations.

In his estate planning practice, Timothy represented clients of widely diverse financial resources, ranging from medium-size estates to high-net-worth individuals and families. Planning for prudent and efficient family investments and gift transfers in order to reduce clients’ potential estate tax liabilities was an area of special emphasis and focus for him.

In his handling of estate and trust administration matters, Timothy  represented numerous individual and corporate trustees and executors with respect to their fiduciary and tax obligations and responsibilities.

  • J.D., Southern Methodist University School of Law, with honors, 1978

  • B.S., University of Notre Dame, with highest honors, 1975

Bar Admissions
  • Texas

Affiliations and Public Service
  • Member, State Bar of Texas, including the Taxation, Real Property, and Probate and Trust Law Sections.
  • Member, Probate and Trust Section, Dallas Bar Association.
  • Member, Dallas Estate Planning Council.

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