Philip Dublin Named a 2018 “Outstanding Restructuring Lawyer” by Turnarounds & Workouts

(New York) –Turnarounds & Workouts has named Akin Gump financial restructuring partner Philip Dublin an Outstanding Restructuring Lawyer in its annual list of the top lawyers in that field.
Among the matters T&W spotlighted in its profile of Mr. Dublin are:
- his work on behalf of the unsecured creditors' committee of radio giant iHeartMedia Inc.
- his co-leadership of the Akin Gump team representing the official committee of unsecured creditors in the Chapter 11 cases of Sears Holding Corporation, which involve $11.33 billion in liabilities.
- his co-leadership of the firm team representing an informal ad hoc group of senior subordinated unsecured noteholders of American Tire Distributors, Inc., the second-largest North American tire distributor, in connection with a potential restructuring of the company's balance sheet.
- his leadership of the firm team advising 75 lenders to Avaya Inc.
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP is a leading international law firm with more than 900 lawyers in offices throughout the United States, Europe, Asia and the Middle East.
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