Telecom, Media & Technology

Facing complex and ever-evolving regulatory, policy, market and competitive challenges, today’s telecom, media and technology (TMT) companies require counsel experienced in a wide range of industries, practices, markets and tribunals, both domestic and international.
Our TMT team provides experienced, effective, results-oriented representation for clients ranging from traditional telecom companies and media-industry standard bearers, to investors and emerging tech companies inventing novel TMT solutions.
We collaborate daily with many Akin practices that are essential for global TMT companies, including intellectual property, international trade, government contracts, lobbying & public policy, antitrust & unfair competition, corporate, financial restructuring, funds, global investigations & compliance, projects & energy transition, privacy & cybersecurity, and international arbitration & dispute resolution.
Our dynamic team has deep experience across TMT and includes former C-level executives from wireless, broadband and satellite companies, as well as senior government officials from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), who:
- Provide sophisticated, strategic regulatory advice on licensing, rulemakings, auctions, compliance and enforcement matters for wireless, wireline, satellite, broadcast, cable, emerging technology, (internet of things) IoT, device and semiconductor manufacturers and autonomous systems companies.
- Assist TMT clients with complex transactions, including mergers and acquisitions, due diligence, regulatory advice and strategic counsel, state and federal filings and advocacy to gain necessary approvals.
- Keep clients abreast of regulatory and legislative developments that impact their interests, and advocate for regulatory, policy and legislative outcomes to support client goals before federal and state policymakers, including the FCC, state public utilities commissions (PUCs)/public service commissions (PSCs), National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), Departments of Commerce, Justice, Defense, State and Transportation, United States Trade Representative (USTR), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Congress and White House.
- Represent some of the world’s most active investors in TMT companies, advising on investment limitations, foreign ownership restrictions, investment structuring to comply with FCC rules, and state and federal approvals, including Team Telecom and Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS). We also provide critical services when a TMT investment is in distress. We have significant experience engineering the strategic and creative financial restructuring of distressed TMT companies, working closely with our corporate and financial restructuring colleagues to provide regulatory and industry counsel for large, complex bankruptcy proceedings.
- Negotiate a wide range of commercial transactions from spectrum acquisitions and leases, and service agreements with major carriers, to the following types of agreements: wholesale access, program affiliation, interconnection, retransmission consent, roaming and resale, backhaul, joint build and construction, mobile virtual network operator (MVNO), collocation and tower, data center and fiber-optic indefeasible-right-of-use (IRU).
- Engage in appellate advocacy on behalf of clients challenging or defending agency decisions.
- Develop regulatory and operational strategies for clients developing autonomous systems and advanced aviation platforms.
- Create compliance programs for TMT clients covering licensing, fee payments, buildout requirements, broadband reporting, and compliance with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), Communications and Video Accessibility Act (CVAA), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA), customer proprietary network information (CPNI), numbering, outages, and privacy and cybersecurity requirements.
- Secure and defend federal grants for infrastructure development, including funds for broadband deployment.
Services In-Depth
We pride ourselves on developing bold solutions for TMT clients in the following areas, keeping our clients’ strategic objectives in sight.
We advise companies that deploy commercial, private, enterprise and unlicensed solutions for wireless on transactional matters, auctions, regulations, policies and compliance. We work with TMT companies that are inventing and deploying next generation wireless technologies, including 5G, 6G, open radio access network (ORAN), small cells, spectrum sharing, spectrum access systems and air-to-ground solutions.
Whether TMT companies are engaged in offering broadband services over wireline, wireless or satellite infrastructure, the Akin team has the experience to assist with all the regulatory requirements and licensing, both state and federal, and transactional requirements (both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-customer (B2C)).
Our experience extends to all aspects of a broadband network, including fiber, wireless, towers, cloud computing and data centers. We also assist with federal and state funding opportunities such as Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF), Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD), Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPs), Community Connect Grants, Tribal Broadband Connectivity, Rural Utilities Service (RUS) Reconnect, Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure, Digital Equity Competitiveness Grants and State Digital Equity Capacity Grants.
Satellite Communications
We have deep transactional and regulatory experience advising domestic and international satellite companies, including non-geostationary orbit satellites (NGSOs), mobile satellite services (MSS), global broadband fixed-satellite services (FSS), direct-to-home (DTH), direct broadcast satellite (DBS), broadcast satellite service (BSS), digital audio radio satellite (DARS), remote sensing satellites, aeronautical satellites and next-generation global satellites using optical wave technology.
Emerging Tech, Autonomous Systems and Advanced Aviation
We work with emerging tech companies and municipalities on the challenges associated with bringing new technology to the public, including autonomous systems, sensors and robots, smart cities, biometrics, 3D printing, edtech, healthtech and accessibility tech. We work with autonomous vehicle and uncrewed aircraft system companies (drones) on spectrum solutions and enabling technologies for communicating air-to-ground, operator-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure.
We help fiber-optic companies, incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs), competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs), voice over internet protocol (VoIP) providers and resellers navigate the ever-changing regulatory landscape, both state and federal, related to offering wireline service. This includes contributions to and reimbursements from the Universal Service Fund (USF) and Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) Fund.
Mass Media and Cable
We represent clients with television, radio and cable system interests, from the top four networks and large broadcast groups to local cable franchisees and individual station owners. We provide policy advice and advocacy in a broad range of FCC rulemakings and congressional and executive branch activities, as well as assistance with day-to-day licensing and compliance issues. We work with companies on streaming services, over-the-top (OTT) applications and services, Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) and next-generation broadcasting.
Equipment and Device Manufacturers
We represent a number of manufacturers of technology that radiates radiofrequency and is therefore subject to the FCC’s equipment authorization procedures and other technical rules. Our work includes assistance in obtaining equipment authorizations, representation in FCC enforcement actions, advice on pending legislation and prosecution of rulemaking petitions.
International Telecommunications Regulation and Policy
Out attorneys advise TMT companies seeking to enter regulated foreign markets and represents such companies with respect to matters before the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the European Commission (EC) and other foreign regulatory agencies. Our lawyers also help foreign TMT companies enter the U.S. market in compliance with all applicable U.S. regulations.