Environment & Natural Resources

Akin’s environment & natural resources practice offers wide-ranging experience for clients facing the burgeoning challenges brought on by new legislation and intensified consideration of environmental issues.
Environmental Litigation
Akin combines a strong understanding of major environmental statutes and regulatory programs with exemplary litigation experience and scientific knowledge to resolve environmental enforcement actions, project development litigation, private-party environmental claims and other environmental litigation matters for our clients.
Carbon Offsets
With a deep understanding of the various carbon markets, our lawyers regularly advise multinational clients on carbon offsets. We counsel clients on carbon pairing, carbon trading, carbon-neutral products trading, carbon credit sourcing, low or carbon-neutral product development, carbon project development and the monetization of new and emerging pathways for traditional oil and gas producers.
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) Remediation and Lender Liability Protection
Our approach to lender liability protection was developed to serve the specific needs of lenders in light of their unique status under environmental law. Rather than following environmental due diligence models designed for commercial or industrial property owners, our model is tailored to lenders or investors with a security interest in property.
Environmental Enforcement, Investigations and Cleanups
We have extensive experience advising clients on the laws and regulations governing environmental enforcement, investigations and cleanup. Our team frequently assists clients in evaluating and addressing potential liabilities associated with the presence of environmental contaminants.
Environmental Transactions and Risk Management
Our lawyers combine scientific knowledge, regulatory experience and dealmaking skills to guide clients around potential environmental pitfalls as they engage in mergers, acquisitions, divestitures and financial restructurings. We help in all phases of transactions, assessing risks in relation to federal and state environmental legal demands, negotiating deal terms and interacting with regulatory agencies.
Environmental Rulemaking
Our environmental rulemaking and legislation practice represents client interests on public policy issues—before Congress, state legislatures, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other federal and state agencies—including drafting comments on proposed regulations, conducting advocacy before legislators and agencies, engaging agencies in rule interpretations and drafting/analyzing proposed legislation and ordinances.
Climate Change
Akin lawyers guide businesses seeking to succeed in a carbon-constrained world through the legal obstacles and complex challenges of sustainability. We help them adapt and act on several fronts simultaneously to take into account shifting political, economic, regulatory and social landscapes.
Chemicals and Pesticides
Our lawyers offer experience and counseling with regard to chemicals and pesticides, including compliance counseling and development of compliance programs, advice on creating environmentally sensitive business strategies, legislative and regulatory advocacy, and regulatory, enforcement and litigation representation on a variety of pesticide, chemical and related issues.
PFAS Press Blog Series
Follow our blog series, PFAS Press, to stay informed on the latest federal and state regulations on PFAS chemicals.